Putting the Skeptics to Bed
Theomatics is probably the most solid, credible, valid, and scientifically provable discovery of all time ~ relative to God and the Bible. Yet nobody in the academic community is paying attention.
The facts are all right there ~ in plain sight ~ for everyone to physically see and verify. Yet to date, few people have had the desire or felt motivated to pursue an independent investigation. As almost 100,000 copies of our books have sold, and literally hundreds of thousands of people have had their hearts blessed and touched deeply by this discovery, it has seemed amazing that to date, no one has picked up on all of this. After more than twenty years of extensive research, no one yet has been able to even begin challenging theomatics at a scientific level.
Here exists what is probably the most precious and spectacularly provable discovery of all time ~ the one thing that holds the answer to virtually everything. And it is basically being ignored. That fact, in itself, is almost as amazing as the discovery of theomatics! Surely, the all wise and all knowing Sovereign Lord, has been in control of it all.
God controls man's knowledge of the divine and supernatural, by either giving or witholding inspiration. We can know nothing about God, unless He steps through the veil and chooses to reveal Himself. If God does not give a person the gift of faith, they will remain blind ~ this subject will hold no interest to them. So the bottom line to all this is not academic excellence by impressing all the statisticians and theologians in major universities. Those types of individuals are generally not interested in having the Bible proven to them.
That is why comprehending, understanding, and believing this subject is really an issue of the heart (and also God's timing). God deliberately blocks His truth from view, as He may deem appropriate, especially from those who are not pure in heart or have a genuine hunger for the real things of God.
"Blessed are the pure in heart: for THEY shall see God" (Mat. 5:8).
"Blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righteousness: for THEY shall be filled" (Mat. 5:6).
"At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast HID these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes" (Mat 11:25).
"Verily I say unto you, Except ye be CONVERTED, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven" (Mat. 18:3).
God cannot place his new wine of truth into old wineskins. One reason that theomatics remains hidden from the Christian and academic worlds, is that it is very difficult for people to accept new truth who have already made up their mind about fundamental issues. The uncommitted ~ mostly the young ~ pick up new ideas and carry them forward. The people with old ideas die out.
NOTE: It is presumed that most people reading this page have some basic understanding of theomatic features and how the system operates. There are four examples given on this web site that show the phenomenon.
Stating the Evidence
On this page here, the objective is simple: To present the method of proof that unequivocally establishes the validity of this subject from an academic and scientific perspective. Also, the following will plug any holes relative to skeptics being able to disprove or debunk this discovery.
If anybody out there wants to take on theomatics, they had better prepare themselves for a major challenge. They will find themselves burried under an avalange of hundreds of pages of data and computer print outs (see Theomatics & the Scientific Method). There are a lot of young, cocky, and cynical dudes out there in cyberspace (particularly in the newsgroups), who love to challenge all sorts of egregious claims. They actually enjoy discrediting things and trying to debunk them. That is how they get their kicks and jollies. Sort of a predator instinct. We will be more than happy to welcome them to the challenge. What is our advice? Be prepared to jump over the grand canyon in your bare feet.
At this point, we would like to make a bold and assertive statement that will forever stand.
It is absolutely, completely, and totally impossible to mathematically disprove theomatics. The overall validity of this discovery ~ the fact that God did it ~ is unimpeachable. Theomatics will never be disproven. In fact, no one will even come close to it. The evidence is so thoroughly convincing and so absolutely conclusive, that those who examine it carefully, their knees will buckle and they will quite literally fall to the ground ~ they will not be able to stand up against it.
We can state the above with 100% confidence, because it is based on hard cold mathematical facts. Numbers do not have personal feelings. They have no philosophical or theological bias. Theomatics is something that either exists, or else it does not exist. (There is no such thing as a woman being 50% or partially pregnant.) Either God placed a secret code in the Bible and it saturates everything from top to bottom. Or else the pursuit is a waste of time and contains no merit whatsoever.
If theomatics were not true, then trying to find spiritual significance with the numerical values of Hebrew and Greek words of the Bible, would be no more meaningful than trying to derive spiritual meaning out of the numbers in the Greater Chicago phone book.
What is signifant, is the fact that the only criticism of this subject you will ever hear (on the Web or anywhere), will only come from people who give theomatics a perfunctory review and shallow analysis, and then heckle their own cynicism. No one will be able to delve into the mountain of evidence and come up with any credible statistical evidence that will cast doubt on the overall validity. This subject contains no fatal flaws.
Estabishing the Method of Proof
There is only one way that the validity of theomatics can either be proven or disproven. To prove it, it must be demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt, that the numerical structures and features come from a number base that is not random, but the numbers are structured according to an intelligent design.
In order to disprove theomatics, it must unequivocally demonstrated, that all the data that theomatics has thus far discovered, was found by arbitrarily picking and choosing from a base of numbers that is strictly random (i.e. the proponents of this subject have "cooked the results" of the inquiry.)
If the numbers are not random and the results are not cooked ~ and there is also no basis for a supernatural intelligent design ~ then the skeptic must produce a "natural cause explanation," that both explains the results that theomatics has achieved, plus removes any supernatural element as the cause for the results.
There is no such explanation! (See complete discussion ~ Pgs. 183-188, Theomatics II).
There is a lot of information and statistical studies available on this, both in Theomatics II and Theomatics and the Scientific Method.
Here now, we shall give a brief synopsis.
Matching the Results with Random Values
In order to perform any objective and scientific investigation, both the procedure and end results must be: (1) definable, (2) testsable, (3) the tests repeatable, and (4) the outcome predictable.
There must be absolute ground rules that eliminate as much as possible, any human factor. Various classifications must be pinned down and identified in advance of performing any tests. There can be no accusations of bias or arbitrary manipulation of data, entering into the tests.
When theomatics discovers a pattern, it must be defined by the usage of a particular Hebrew or Greek word. Every phrase to be examined must: (1) contain a specific word, (2) be a certain length away from that word in both directions, (3) use only one text, and (4) examine every phrase combination or mathematical possibility present.
The computer then proceeds through all the phrases looking for features. It tallies every "hit" within the cluster range of -1, +1 and -2, +2. The evidence is then recorded.
Next the same computer program goes back through all of the same Bible references, again looking for features. Only this time, the numerical values for the letters are jumbled into random allocations.

The computer software currently in use, can mix up to one million random seed numbers. A random seed is entered, and the program instantly re-calculates the value of every word ~ based upon the specific random seed number. Shown above on the right, is one example. The left side shows the standard theomatic values or sequence for the Hebrew or Greek alphabets. On the right is a sample of random values (the same values have been reshuffled). Which now means that for every word present in the Bible, it would have a numerical value that is different than the original theomatic value, and is most certainly random. It obviously contains no meaning or significance.
For example, the name "Jesus" equals 888 in theomatics. With the above random values, the word would come out to 974 instead.
Next, the computer goes through all the same verses, now randomized, looking for features. It tallies every "hit" within the cluster range of -1, +1 and -2, +2. The evidence is then recorded.
Now this experiment is not done just once. It can be done hundreds of times. In fact, up to one million times (if someone wants to take the time to do it). Over and over again the computer searches with the random allocations, trying to play catch up with theomatics.
Furthermore, not only can the programs mix up to one million alphabetical arrangements. They can also go through all the phrase combinations looking for features and attempting to find the "best" number that produces the "best" results within the random values ~ common to the greatest number of references.
It should be clearly obvious to even the most casual observer, that if the theomatics code has produced a long list of features from every possible reference to a particular word or topic (with only one set of standard allocations), the skeptic then being allowed access to hundreds, even thousands of random alphabet/number arrangements, plus he can use any number factor he wants to ~ he should be able to easily match or at least come close to tying the results of theomatics. |
There are some stipulations to all this however. The skeptic must use a number at least as large as what theomatics has used, or a number of the same probability ~ not smaller numbers. Also, the number of phrase combinations must be in the same range or average length as what theomatics derived. Longer phrases, obviously have many more possible combinations in them.
The point to all this is very simple. If theomatics is untrue, if God did not put this supernatural phenomenon into the Bible, then that would mean that the numbers theomatics is using, are random based. Therefore, any other random based allocations, should by all reasonable logic, have just as good a probability or chance of producing "features," as what theomatics has been able to produce. Why not?
This method of comparison is absolutely objective and absolutely irrefutable. There is not a mathematical scientist or probability expert on the face of the earth, that will disagree with it. Right now, there are "hundreds" of clearly definable studies in our files, where no one could even come close to matching the results with any random values.
The Clustering Phenomenon
Furthermore, on top of having to match the results of theomatics with random numbers, the next dilemma the skeptic is going to face is the clustering phenomenon.
When theomatics carefully and faithfully records every possible hit that falls within the range of -1, +1, or -2, +2, there will invariable be far more direct hits and -1, +1 hits, than what the laws of chance will allow. Furthermore, the -2, +2 results are below the expected number. Explaining this more simply, since there are five possibilities within any given cluster, there is a 20% chance of a direct hit, a 40% chance of a -1, +1 hit, and a 40% chance of a -2, +2 hit .
Direct hit: 1 chance in 5, i.e. 20%
-1 hit: 1 chance in 5, i.e. 20%
+1 hit: 1 chance in 5, i.e. 20%
+2 hit: 1 chance in 5, i.e. 20%
+ 2 hit: 1 chance in 5, i.e. 20%
In virtually every major theomatic pattern that has been discovered to date, when all the hits are faithfully recorded, there will almost always be twice as many -1, +1 as -2, +2 hits, plus way more direct hits than the expected results.
If the numbers were random, this would be like witnessing a mathematical miracle. It would be no different than challenging a person to flip a coin 1000 times, and get 800 heads and 200 tails ~ a "total" impossibility. This clustering phenomenon has happened consistently with tens of thousands of theomatic features over the years. It virtually never fails (except in perhaps a few short stretch examples).
In Chapter twelve of The Original Code in the Bible, there is an entire chapter that explains the clustering probabilities. Mathematics professors were consulted from one of the largest universities on the West coast of the United States. On numerous major theomatic patterns the p factor (probability) of the clustering is 1 chance in trillions, i.e. 0 probability.
The clustering phenomenon, by itself, scientifically validates the whole theomatic concept. The results are positively staggering.
What All of this Proves
The question must now be asked. What does all of this prove? For one thing, it proves that God put theomatics in the Bible and that we are witnessing a phenomenon of earth shattering proportions ~ without any natural or earthly explanation.
What it also establishes, is a total dilemma for any skeptic who wishes to discredit and debunk this discovery. In order to do so, he is going to have to take two or three major designs (at least one), and demonstrate convincingly that it is nothing more than the product of random chance, or that the researcher in some arbitrary manner skewed the results. And the only way that can be done, is to show that it is possible to match both the feature output with random allocations, and also demonstrate that random numbers can produce the same clustering curve.
The truth of the matter, is that no one will be able to even come close to it. In Theomatics and the Scientific Method, all 55 references to Jesus being the Son, both in the Gospel of John and the epistles of John, were thoroughly tested by computer. No random number could even come close.
NOTE: Since it was the computer that found the results, derived from all mathematical possibilities, this removes any possibility of human "bias" or use of "selective data."
And then, out of all 235 features that the computer printed out, the following clustering occurred.
Direct Hits: 55
(23.40% ~ expected result 20%) |
-1, +1: 119
(50.64% ~ expected result 40%) |
-2, +2: 61
(25.96% ~ expected result 40%) |
The probability for the clustering in just this one study alone, was only one occurrence every 18,000 atempts, i.e. p = .0000556.
Finding Excuses
The only way left, by which theomatics can be attacked, is with pseudo methodology.
- The first and most common course of attack, is that various individuals will seek to formulate their own tests and experiments, and perform them in their own way according to their own style and method of logic. They will most likely start out with a negative bias, looking to find "any way the system does not work," subsequently ignoring and refusing to acknowledge and parallel test the current positive and spectacular data. They will most likely commit one or all of the statistical falacies: (1) Data limited in quantity, (2) Data of an unrepresentative quantity, and (3) Data compiled from false precision.
- The second approach will be with speculative, hypothetical, mathematical, theorizing. This is the sort of logic that tries to prove that aeronautically, it is impossible for bumble bees to fly. The person using this approach will formulate hypothesis and mathematical models, that theoretically seeks to get the point across that theomatics does not work and is not valid. This theoretical approach has already been attempted by a man from Virginia, a brilliant mathematician. When challenged to match the results with random numbers, he dropped out.
- The third or last method, will be to attack the logic of the whole system. This approach will be philosophical, and will seek to demonstrate that any "esoteric" method in interpreting numbers and associating theological meaning and concepts to numbers, can only bring conclusions that are ridiculous and bizarre. In otherwords, the argument will be made that a system of numbers cannot carry objective meaning from God to man. While scientifically inconclusive, this method will probably be the method used by most critics and evangelical leaders opposed to the existence of any hidden revelatory process in the Bible. Of course they will have no explanation for the statistical results, nor will they want to even deal with the scientific aspect.
The fact of the matter, is if theomatics was untrue, matching the results with random values, would be as easy as falling off a log. Failing to discredit or disprove the subject on that basis, the only possible approach left, is either of the above.
Finally, the Clincher
There is one other important fact to discuss as it relates to all this.
In lecturing to people who have a high academic perception (and who are also skeptical and don't want something like this to be true), they will invariably follow a two step process.
- The first line of attack, will be to say that there is nothing at all to the claims, i.e. they contains no validity. As all the above will clearly prove, once that objection is overturned and it is demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt that the whole text is full of an inexplicable phenomena, then
- the next course of action is to try and find an alternate explanation for the positive results (anything but the idea that God put it there). The most common explanation is that man placed it there. In reply, this is ridiculous. Theomatics can only work if each word was precisely designed and placed into the text in juxtaposition to other words and their proper numerical values. At the time the Bible was written and its historical events took place, all of the words of the Hebrew and Greek languages were in existence and fixed. They had evolved within the unsuspecting framework of natural cultural development. So therefore, the Bible writers could not have engineered the words, much less the historical events that took place after the language vocabulary was fixed.
The second and only other alternate explanation is that it is a product of the language structure itself. In otherwords, there is some anomally or poetic rhythm that produces the results. This excuse will fall flat as well when examined more closely. The following three items are going to nail the coffin lid shut relative to the entire issue of theomatics vs. alternative explanations. Here it is folks.
- The phenomenon only works in the Bible and nowhere else. No other work of literature ever written, never has, and probably never will, be able to consistenly demonstrate anything like theomatics. We have no reason to belive that anything like this could exist in any work of literature any more than one would expect to find provable patterns in the Chicago phone book. If you take any other work of literature and categorize phrases according to meanings, or word usages, etc., and look for various multiple factors within all the numerical totals for various phrase combinations, you will find nothing in the numbers but chance expectation (the null hypothesis). Apparently the only place where this phenomenon appears, is in the 66 books of the Bible.
- The phenomenon only works with the standard numerical allocations for the alphabets. When any of the other 403 septillion random permutations are examined, even from the Bible, nothing will be discovered beyond chance expectation. Only the standard numerical values of historical record produce any positive results.
- Finally, AND THIS IS MOST IMPORTANT! The phenomenon only works in the Bible when words and phrases with related or similar theological meaning are examined. If one were to take words and phrases selected at random from the Bible text, even with the correct numerical allocations, there would still be no results beyond chance expectation. This proves that the language itself is not producing the phenomenon. The only phrases that can produce statistically significant results are those using a common Hebrew or Greek word, or there is an unmistakable and common and obvious theological relationship between the words and phrases, i.e. all the references to the birth of Christ, or all the references to Satan, or all the references to Jehovah the Rock, etc.
So theomatics only works when all three of the above conditions line up. This proves that only intelligence can be the explanation. Somebody with intelligence had to have arranged all of this. Therefore, all natural and alternative explanations (and excuses) are securely tucked into bed.
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