Available Books (and Other Materials)
The following three books are immediately available:

The Original CODE in the BIBLE
by Del Washburn
251 pages
Madison Books
Lanham - New York - Oxford
ISBN # 1-56833-115-0
Price $19.95
Summary & chapter listing
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Theomatics II
by Del Washburn
663 pages
Scarborough House (Madison Books)
Lanham - New York - Oxford
ISBN # 0-8128-4023-2
Price $24.95
Summary & chapter listing
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Theomatics & the Scientific Method
by Del Washburn
270 pages
Published in House
Price $55.00 postpaid
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Theomatics Association Membership
For those who make an annual $35.00 contribution towards the research, we will open up our research files and share a number of studies. We will also mail out an initial news letter. The membership fee helps offset some of these costs.
The amount of material in our files is very large ~ hundreds upon hundreds of studies related to numerous topics and numerical patterns, the culmination of thousands of hours of research. However, much of the material needs to be properly entered into a word processor in a finished type-set format.
As interest grows, we will make more and more of this information available
The Research Software and Databases
Many individuals have requested the research sofware and databases. We will make this available to people on a liscensed basis, who show an aptitude for this subject. Their primary goal should be to honor the Word of God and promote the gospel of Christ in an evangelistic manner. We reserve the right to refuse to provide this software and database.
Price for complete package (at present) is $150.00. Please write or email us for more specific details and information. The complete package is very extensive, and we have over $12,000.00 invested in putting it together.
Some of the system runs under windows and some under DOS. This is not a stand alone software package, but simply all the components that we use in our own research.
Institute for Theomatics Research
P.O. Box 507
Dundee, Oregon 97115
Fax Phone: (503)538-6911
Email: inquire@theomatics.com
The Original Code in the Bible is the place to start. This book was written for the general reading market. It is a fairly quick read and will discuss all the essential basics about theomatics. About one third of the information in this book is also found also in Theomatics II. Yet it contains a lot of new and very insightful data.
Here is the Contents for The Original Code in the Bible
- Does God Really Exist? /1
- A High-tech Wilderness / 9
- The Original Code in the Bible / 19
- Theomatics Demonstrated / 39
- Putting the Pieces Together / 51|
- Moses Parts the Red Sea / 63
- The 153 Fishes in the Net / 87
- A Sampling of Theomatics / 109
- Understanding the Implications / 119
- A Man with Two Sons / ?131
- Theomatics and the Scientific Method / 159
- The Clustering Phenomenon / 183
- The Great Bible Prophecy Debacle / 199
- The Last Chapter of This Book / 223
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Theomatics II is a large book consisting of 663 pages. It is actually two books in one. The first half explains the scientific method and demonstrates theomatic patterns throughout the Bible. The book contains several thousand examples of the phenomenon.
The second half is devoted entirely to the subject of Bible prophecy and the Apocalypse, and demonstrates outstanding and extensive theomatic patterns that throw considerable light on passages that refer to "end time events." Theomatics does not substantiate the traditional evangelical pre-millennial dispensational prophetic teachings. (For a synopsis see Theomatics and Eschatology)
Here is the Index for Theomatics II
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Theomatics & the Scientific Method consists of a complete explanation of the computer research and also provides an extensive statistical analysis that is mathematically irrefutable. It is approximately 270 pages long and contains numerous computer print outs. These pages must be individually photocopied, so this is an in house publication. It is intended for review by mathematical scientists or anybody out there who is skeptical, or who simply wants to take a closer objective look at this subject.
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